Kategoriarkiv: english post

Knitting Bee is ready for 2013

So the christmas break is over in a few hours. 
I’m ready! 

I start this year with a course which does not directly concern Knitting Bee, but some of the stuff behind; getting in contact with more people through social media. 
I’m so excited!
This week also features a google+ hangout with Kathrin(us), Kristina(dk), and Inge(se). 
We are making an online blanket and you can join us and be a part. 
Read more here and here
I just been working on my first piece. I’m going to decorate it with stars or flowers – 
I hope that you’ll join us

A secret – the online blanket

So we made it! 
The first real hangout where Inge from Sweden, Kathrin, from upstate New York  and me, from Denmark, meet and had a nice talk :)
Next time we meet at google + is January  9 at 20.30 – Dk-time and I hope that we can make it online on air so you can follow online.
Tonight my husbond show me this video on Ted.
And I’m blown away –  big time!!!
The artist Janet Echelman making art from fishing net!
Watching this film was a huge creative infusion – especially thinking about the blanket ‘A secret’ and the question: What is a net?

A Secret – we’ll meet again november 21 st

So tonight was the big night for the hangout.
I have been scanning patterns, fixing yarn and so on – and then I forgot to check that if the microphone was on!!
After one and a half hour we finally got the hangout to work – you can see the result here – I’ll tack about the secret part..

In the next days I’ll write some more about this project – hope to see you next week 


A few weeks ago I meet with my partner in crime yarn, Kristina
We talked about the blanket ‘a secret’,  how to make the blanket and make a design that would work. 
So I have decided to make a design and choose some colors… 
It only feels a little bit like an early takeoff.. 
The blanket and the ideas about creating it from scratch was beginning to be somewhat intangible, so I have started a design that indicate ‘a web’ to me. 
There will be great opportunity to interpret your own ideas about a web on to your pieces. I will make the pattern in pdf so you’ll be able to download it.
I got a donation of yarn the other day and the colors are so great that I have deiced to used that yarn.

En uge til ‘a secret’

Så er der en uge til vi skal mødes online og starte på et nyt tæppe. 
Jeg skrevet lidt spørgsmål og svar omkring på siden her.
Og så har jeg lavet et design oplæg, som jeg vil fortælle mere om de kommende dage.
There’s one week to we’ll meet online and start making the blanket ‘a secret’.
I have made a page with about the hangout – i’ll soon make it in english as well.
And I have made a design for the blanket, which I’ll tell more about in the nex couple of days.

Hangout in english

So I made a hangout in english…

My son uses hangout learing language and he absolutely do not understand that I have hangout just me alone.
But I keep it up – I’m sure that some day you’ll join me :) Perhaps if i’ll tell about it before going online…

So the question is still:

what is a net, a web, a network and how do we make a blanket symbolizing a net…

And an other question is;

should we make two hangouts? One for EU time and one for US time?

Please let me know what you think.
And remember; to join the hangout you’ll have to follow Knitting Bee on google+.

And now in english..

Dear You …

This is my very first post in english… hope it’s understandable :)
I’m getting started with google+ trying to find out how it’s working, how to build a google+  network. 
It’s fun to search, find and add the ones I find interesting, makes me curiosity or whatever…

What I enjoy most is google Hangout – video chat with up to 10 people and the ability to broadcast live. It means I can have a video chat with people around the country – perhaps also a few in Europe and the U.S.? and  make a Knitting Bee blancket online.

Where and when?
It is online at google+ Tuesday 13th November at. 20.30

What do you need to participate?

A computer – a network access and a google+ account that follows Knitting Bee.

A pair of knitting needles, a crochet hook, yarn, fabric, needles – or whatever you like best to work with.

And it requires something on the creative account.

I work to a certain extent intuitive – it means that I let feelings grow – I do not have a complete idea, but an idea and then I let it grow.

A blanket made by many is a joint  event – and everybody is important.

The task I want to ask you is to give you a couple of questions.

 Question with no ready answer. These are questions that should be allowed to live a little in you so that we can gather input when we meet online.

In the danish video I philosophize over a few more question

What is a net, what is network?

I’ll be really pleased to hear your thoughts som pleas comment here or at google+

You can also be a part of making the blanket even if you cannot participate live. Video will on youtube afterwards.

You send the patches to me and then I sew them together. And then we find out who is going to get the blanket..

 Right now I think we should draw lots, among all those who have made patches, but who knows .. maybe there is one of you who has a better idea ..?

And  what about ‘a secret’ …. something secret … I’ll let you an other day 
